Company thrive meaning
Company thrive meaning


presidential campaign did this very successfully by tapping into the vibe for change that people connected to. If others share your vision they will be the ones driving the wheel of momentum to make it happen. Talking about change means painting a picture that is BIG and BOLD and helps everyone to understand your vision of change. Create a raving fan baseĬhange doesn’t happen in isolation and it’s hard for one person alone to bring it about. As Edison, the inventor of the light bulb said: “I have not failed, I’ve just found ten thousand ways that didn’t work”. Developing change agility – embracing change more easily – is all about choosing an open mindset where failing to initiate change is far worse than trying out different ways of doing. A growth mindset believes that effort and practice is what brings success and that we can always learn from our mistakes to do better next time. A fixed mindset sees intelligence as being innate, that failure is seen as a bad thing and best avoided. With around 89 cognitive biases to choose from, are we ever as open-minded as we like to think we are?Ĭarol Dweck from Stanford reveals we have either a fixed or a growth mindset. Your self-talk reveals what you really think. Acknowledging diversity of thought or beliefs and celebrating the differences opens up the conversation that takes in other points of view. Being unique means there will always be more than one perspective. No two brains are alike, which means no one else of the 7.3 billion other people on the planet share the share neural architecture as you. They may not like the proposed changes, but if given a voice they will be more accepting of them. It’s especially important for those with doubts or fears to get heard. Being inclusive is about involving all stakeholders in the game of change. Not everyone will ‘get’ your brilliant new idea or want to buy into it. Feeling excited, inspired and taking ownership of new ideas makes them far more acceptable and easy to implement.


When Atlassian introduced ‘ ShipIt’ days, a 24-hour period for all employees to work on any project they liked, they unleashed a torrent of new ideas, some of which translated into significant new products for the company. Tapping into the mental capital of your team by making innovation a safe place to be can lead to great new ideas being shared and discussed. New ideas are often lurking just below the surface.


Your 20-year-old grey woollen cardigan might still be very comfortable, but would a wardrobe update help freshen up your appearance? Being seen as being contemporary and relevant is essential to business growth (and survival). While tradition and protocol play a valuable role in conformity – too much can stymie improvements. If your workplace is stuck in the “that’s the way we do things around here” mentality, get inquisitive. You may not be Curious George but your innate sense of curiosity helps you to question why we do things a certain way, which opens up the way to exploring other possibilities. It’s because it connects us at a deeper level, to the emotional hook that gives us meaning.


In his Ted Talk “Start with Why”, Simon Sinek explains how “why” is the driver to our thinking and decision-making. Putting yourself in a “towards” state of change acceptance starts with understanding the purpose of the proposed change or why it matters. It’s when change is foisted upon us we get into difficulty.


Leading effective change is all about knowing how to break down the sticky walls of change resistance and changing our perspective. You can opt-out at any time.įear of change is what stops us in our tracks. You'll also receive messages on behalf of our partners. Your levels of stress hormones (adrenaline and cortisol) rise and your body prepares to fight, take flight or freeze. Any change in our environment is picked up by your internal brain scanner and determined as being either something potentially rewarding such as food, or potential danger such as a truck bearing down on us about to squash us flat.īecause the brain operates from a safety first perspective, the default setting is set to foe, so any change sets off the alarm bells. The biggest obstacle to achieving a desired change is ourselves. While much change is seen as good, necessary and highly desirable, let’s face it some change can feel like it’s change for change’s sake, or an ego stroke, or a desperate attempt to appear up to date and relevant. In our crazy busy world with all our modern technologies, access to data and need for speed, adapting fast and in the right way matters.

company thrive meaning

What matters is knowing which change is worth going for. It’s just that in a surfeit of change it can feel all start to feel just a tad overwhelming, tiring and tedious.

company thrive meaning

We have always had change and welcomed it. But why would you want to? Change is nothing new. It’s difficult to avoid change it’s everywhere.

Company thrive meaning